Monday, October 11, 2010

A World Heritage City - Luang Prabang

Luang Prabang was named by UNESCO as a World Heritage City in 1995  A walk around this old French colonial city, quickly told me why this honor was given to Luang Prabang.  It is indeed a very unique place in Asia.

Luang Prabang from the hill in the center of town.

Many of the buildings are constructed from this beautiful red wood found in Laos.

A beautiful restaurant on the banks of the river.

The sidewalks are all made out of baked red brick and are in perfect condition.

The red brick walkways along side the houses formed little alley ways to get from one block to the other.

The streets are wide, clean and have very little traffic.

Great places, throughout the city, to sit, have a cup of strong Laotian coffee, and watch the world go by.

Luang Pragang is surrounded by jungle and mountains.

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